How Jobtome replaced 30 Postfix servers with one PowerMTA

Jobtome helps job seekers access millions of jobs gathered from a hundred thousand recruitment agencyies and employer sites. Jobtome helps companies reach millions of job seekers via pay-per-click based job advertising services.

The Challenge: Managing 30 Postfix installations

Email is a key business driver within the Jobtome daily operation. The majority of customer interactions are facilitated via email. On a monthly basis Jobtome sends more than 300 million emails (and growing). The main challenges for Jobtome were:

  • Managing 30 Postfix installations on virtual servers was quite labour intensive;
  • The verification of deliverability through database queries took a lot of time and did not generate a comprehensive delivery performance overview;
  • Jobtome processed bounces on all the Postfix instances separately. A script checked the mailbox and elaborate bounces;
  • There were no Feedback loops in place.

The Solution: 30 Postfix instances replaced by 1 PowerMTA box…

On their request, Postmastery conducted a requirement analysis into Jobtomes email functionalities. The analysis showed Message Systems (formal Port25) PowerMTA, to be the best solution. Postmastery installed all the required software and supported Jobtome in choosing the right email infrastructure (2x Xeon (16x core) processor, 32GB RAM and a 3x960GB SSD disk). After a two month IP warm-up process, a re-definition of ISP’s configurations and extensive knowledge transfer, Jobtome started to send the first transactional and marketing related emails via the new platform in November 2015. The total volume has now been migrated to the new self-hosted email infrastructure. As Jobtome’s ‘trusted right hand’, Postmastery is now helping to maintain, monitor and optimize email delivery and will continue to do so in the future.

“The performance and stability of the PowerMTA based system is impressive. I would highly recommend Postmastery’s services to any ESP or owner of a sending platform who considers an in-house email delivery solution”. Lorian Bevilacqua (Email specialist at Jobtome)

The Result: 2,5 million emails in one hour

The results of the new self-hosted email solution are clear:

  • Sent 2,5 million emails in peak hour on one PowerMTA instance;
PowerMTA instance
  • Average delivery time is 7 minutes. 90% emails are delivered instantly (1<minute);
  • More than 30 Postfix instances replaced by 1 PowerMTA;
  • Complex bounce processing which involved 12 Postfix instances replaced by a intelligent built-in bounce processor in same PowerMTA instance;
  • Fully automated and built-in Feedback loop processor in PowerMTA;
  • Delivery analytics through complex MySQLqueries is replaced with Postmastery’s Delivery Analytics platform which runs at Google scale and offer a tailored online dashboard and email delivery alerts. Now there is more time for the analysis of the data and metrics at Jobtome.

More information?
If you would like to know more about how we can help you solve delivery issues, just send us a message via our contact page.

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