Orange Postmaster(y) page

In order to help the sender community, we are glad to share our experiences collected over the years with some ISPs. This page is about the biggest French ISP: Orange ( and, Orange postmaster.

Please find below the table of content of this post:

Orange postmaster

Market share and history of ISP

Historically named Wanadoo at its creation in 1995 by France Telecom, this ISP changed its name for the Orange brand in 2006. Since then, this ISP regroups and domains in one and unique webmail. Also, since 2007, Orange only provides e-mail addresses.

With more than 40% market share, Orange is the biggest French ISP. Its webmail is also one of the most used in France, just behind those of hotmail/ and

Anti-Spam Measures

To protect its messaging infrastructure, Orange relies on the Cloudmark Antispam Solution. Orange also uses solutions provided by Vade (ex-Vade Secure) for dynamic spam filtering.

Feedback Loop

Orange has partnered with Signal Spam to provide a feedback loop to senders who are members of the Signal Spam Association, under some conditions. There are two different Complaint Feedback Loops for Orange : an Aggregated Complaint Feedback Loop, similar to Gmail’s one, and an ARF Complaint Feedback Loop.

How does the Aggregated Complaint Feedback Loop work at Orange and how can we access it?
The aggregated Complaint Feedback Loop is a CSV file format containing Complaint volumes per IP and per day. This aggregated Complaint Feedback Loop is accessible to Signal Spam members.

How does the ARF Complaint Feedback Loop work at Orange and how can we access it?
The ARF Complaint Feedback Loop consists of unit reports in ARF format, sent to a dedicated email address. This ARF Complaint Feedback Loop only contains complaints from Orange Mail service users who have consented to share this information with third parties. This ARF Complaint Feedback Loop is accessible to some Signal Spam members, upon validation by Orange Abuse Desk.

Postmastery's customers can track Orange complaint rates in the Reputation Monitor module of the Postmastery Console as well as tracking reputation and complaint data for IP addresses and domains from the world's leading anti-spam solutions including Spamhaus, Cloudmark, Abusix, SURBL, SORBs and Trend Micro.

Orange postmaster Technical & SMTP Tweaks

Orange domains ( and all share the same MX record (
Here are the connection requirements for Orange:

  • concurrent SMTP connections per IP, based on reputation
  • messages per connection, based on reputation
  • connections per IP per hour, based on reputation

Orange recommends authenticating messages with both SPF and DKIM.

Common Error SMTP Messages

Here are some examples of error messages indicating a deliverability issue at Orange.

421 opmta1mti72nd1 [REDACTED] Service refuse. Veuillez essayer plus tard. Service refused, please try later. OFR004_105 [105]

421 mwinf5c41 ME Trop de connexions, veuillez verifier votre configuration. Too many connections, slow down. OFR004_104 [104]

550 mwinf5c11 ME Adresse IP source bloquee pour incident de spam. Client host blocked for spamming issues. OFR006_102 Ref

421 opmta1mti39nd1 [REDACTED] Service refuse. Veuillez essayer plus tard. Service refused, please try later. OFR_999 [999]

421 opmta1mti39nd1 [REDACTED] Emetteur invalide, Veuillez verifier la configuration SPF/DNS de votre nom de domaine. Invalid Sender. SPF check failed, please verify the SPF/DNS configuration for your domain name.

Each SMTP message ends with an Orange Error Code, whose syntax is OFR_XXX or OFRXXX_XXX. Each Orange Error Code has very precise signification.

Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of existing Error Codes :

As an example, the Error Code OFR_999 means that the Sending IP is currently suspended for 2 hours. This block was triggered by a previous issue that can be found in the previous log message.

Do you have a specific error message you need help with? The Postmastery team is ready to assist, please share some details here.

Abuse Desk & Tech Support

If a problem occurs, you can consult Orange they have an efficient abuse desk that handles questions related to email deliverability on its infrastructure and you can find all Orange Sender Guidelines here.
The Abuse Desk can be reached out only through the dedicated form: (This form is only available in French language).

When contacting them, be sure to include the following information:

  • date of occurrence of the problem
  • sending IP(s)
  • sending host name(s)
  • sending domain
  • SMTP code returned by Orange

More information
If you want more information about this topic, please send us a message via our contact form.
We are always happy to assist!

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