2024/01/29 by Yves-Marie Le Pors-Chauvel.
Laposte.net Postmaster(y) page
In order to help the sender community, we are glad to share our experiences collected over the years with some ISPs. This page is about the main French Mailbox Provider: Laposte.net. This mailbox provider represents millions of active users and is the French biggest free Webmail. Postmastery integrates data from the aggregated Feedback Loop of […]
Categories: Authentication, Deliverability, ISP, Postmaster(y) ISP pages
2024/01/23 by Olivier Moulene.
Implement the List-Unsubscribe Header to Protect Your Email Deliverability
In our daily work, we still encounter missing List-Unsubscribe headers in emails. Reason enough to publish another BLOG post on this topic. It has become even more important recently since Google and Yahoo now include the list-unsubscribe mechanism among their requirements. What is a List-Unsubscribe header? When subscribers want to unsubscribe from a mailing list […]
Categories: Case Studies, General, PowerMTA
2023/12/14 by Yves-Marie Le Pors-Chauvel.
Google & Yahoo’s February Bulk Email Policies: A Guide to Compliance
On October 3rd 2023, Google and Yahoo introduced new requirements to fight spam! This is a major change for the email industry, while, for the first time, two of the biggest Mailbox Providers announced commonly that they will apply the same restrictions to bulk senders. Who is concerned about it? For Gmail personal accounts (Gmail.com […]
Categories: Authentication, Deliverability, General